We don't have any history, definition or meaning data for the cat name "Serena" yet! Please help out by adding what you know about "Serena" using the comment section below:
Submitted by Caira Dubs (not verified) on Mon, 2016-08-08 12:34.
Serena is a orange tabby Siamese and is a little skittish she was found as a stray with her sister Rebecca and her to brothers her original name was ruth but me and my mom did not like it so when we where watching a movie I said what is we name her serena! and we did we got them when they where kittens we only go serena and Rebecca
Serena is a orange tabby
Serena is a orange tabby Siamese and is a little skittish she was found as a stray with her sister Rebecca and her to brothers her original name was ruth but me and my mom did not like it so when we where watching a movie I said what is we name her serena! and we did we got them when they where kittens we only go serena and Rebecca