We don't have any history, definition or meaning data for the cat name "Oscar" yet! Please help out by adding what you know about "Oscar" using the comment section below:
Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Sun, 2015-03-08 16:21.
I have an oldish cat named Oscar who was a rescue cat. He is sweet and loves cuddling and is gray tabby and white. I love him very much and he sleeps on my bed every night. Oscar cats seem to be generally good cats! I nicknamed mine Ockey-Boy, Purrbox, Cartoon Squiggle, and Baby Boy. He purrs very loudly and I love him.
Submitted by Lisa Wolff (not verified) on Sun, 2012-06-17 11:34.
I have a tiger cat name Oscar that I have who's name is Oscar, and he is so sweet. He is very loving, funny, and gentle. He knows my schedule very well when its time to go to work, to eat break and dinner, and when its time for bed. I love him so much.
Submitted by mona (not verified) on Sun, 2011-08-07 20:58.
i named my black and white cat this because he was rescued out of a buisness garbage can. I thought the name was quite fitting, but he is not a grouch in the least bit
I have an oldish cat named
I have an oldish cat named Oscar who was a rescue cat. He is sweet and loves cuddling and is gray tabby and white. I love him very much and he sleeps on my bed every night. Oscar cats seem to be generally good cats! I nicknamed mine Ockey-Boy, Purrbox, Cartoon Squiggle, and Baby Boy. He purrs very loudly and I love him.
I have a tiger cat name Oscar
I have a tiger cat name Oscar that I have who's name is Oscar, and he is so sweet. He is very loving, funny, and gentle. He knows my schedule very well when its time to go to work, to eat break and dinner, and when its time for bed. I love him so much.
oscar was rescued out of a
oscar was rescued out of a garbage bin outside of a buisness, along with his siblings we rescued them
i named my black and white
i named my black and white cat this because he was rescued out of a buisness garbage can. I thought the name was quite fitting, but he is not a grouch in the least bit