We don't have any history, definition or meaning data for the cat name "Apache" yet! Please help out by adding what you know about "Apache" using the comment section below:
Submitted by the cat's me0w [gen] (not verified) on Tue, 2012-04-10 12:12.
i have a male kitten, he is about 4 weeks old. i'm not sure what to name him! he is playful, as most male cats are, i've found. i have his mother, her name is lil miss priss, but we call her "priss" or "priss-priss." i want to name him something very unique - he is gray tiger-striped, and has white on his face, chest, belly, and on just his paws, like little booties. i thought about naming him "booties," but it seems to be quite common. if anyone has any ideas, please e-mail me. my email is iphonehellokitty@yahoo.com thanks!:)
i have a male kitten, he is
i have a male kitten, he is about 4 weeks old. i'm not sure what to name him! he is playful, as most male cats are, i've found. i have his mother, her name is lil miss priss, but we call her "priss" or "priss-priss." i want to name him something very unique - he is gray tiger-striped, and has white on his face, chest, belly, and on just his paws, like little booties. i thought about naming him "booties," but it seems to be quite common. if anyone has any ideas, please e-mail me. my email is iphonehellokitty@yahoo.com thanks!:)