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We don't have any history, definition or meaning data for the cat name "Calliope" yet! Please help out by adding what you know about "Calliope" using the comment section below:

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calliope comes from Latin,

calliope comes from Latin, and it is one of the four Muses, or goddesses of the arts. A nickname for this is Callie, and I have a friend with the name Calliope

Calliope translates from the

Calliope translates from the Greek as "she of the beautiful voice". My tortoiseshell Calliope was named this because she's quite talkative and likes to chirp and meow and trill all over the house! You can definitely hear her coming. Calliope is also the Muse of Epic Poetry and is often pictured holding a scroll in one hand.

Calliope means one with a

Calliope means one with a beautiful voice, named by cat lovers for their meows!

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