Submitted by Stazey J (not verified) on Thu, 2012-02-23 12:05.
Piaf:(pee-affa) The etymology can be sourced to the late, great, French chanteuse, Edith Piaf. The name Piaf has fallen into disrepute of late and currently has come to mean:
'A somewhat smelly cat, of questionable intelligence. His saving grace of appearance is marred by his constant scowl, which serves as a visual warning to a bad attitude.'
Contact with Piaf is first made with the nostrils, although discarded chicken necks usually indicate his presence.
Piaf:(pee-affa) The etymology can be sourced to the late, great, French chanteuse, Edith Piaf. The name Piaf has fallen into disrepute of late and currently has come to mean:
'A somewhat smelly cat, of questionable intelligence. His saving grace of appearance is marred by his constant scowl, which serves as a visual warning to a bad attitude.'
Contact with Piaf is first made with the nostrils, although discarded chicken necks usually indicate his presence.