We don't have any history, definition or meaning data for the cat name "Wilma" yet! Please help out by adding what you know about "Wilma" using the comment section below:
Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Sat, 2014-04-26 21:56.
Our cat is named the Wilma-nator! Rescue cat adopted when she was 2. Over the past 4 years, she has taken down a German Shepard, survived a prolapsed vagina, and has proven to be bullett proof. The Wilmanator is indestructable. Meow to ya!
Submitted by sharon (not verified) on Fri, 2014-01-24 12:55.
Named my cat Wilma. She is a Tortie and definately has attitude. She was a rescue and adult when I got her. Named after grandmother and have said Wilma was her reincarnation. Both Wild Women.
Our cat is named the
Our cat is named the Wilma-nator! Rescue cat adopted when she was 2. Over the past 4 years, she has taken down a German Shepard, survived a prolapsed vagina, and has proven to be bullett proof. The Wilmanator is indestructable. Meow to ya!
Named my cat Wilma. She is a
Named my cat Wilma. She is a Tortie and definately has attitude. She was a rescue and adult when I got her. Named after grandmother and have said Wilma was her reincarnation. Both Wild Women.