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Unique cat names

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User Submitted Unique Cat Names

my tiny :-) 04.23.2018 For the cat name Tiny i called my cat tiny because he has always stayed soooooooooooooooo small and at first i did not know what to call him but then one day i ask my mom why is he so tiny compared to the others? and then... More about Tiny
My Angel 12.28.2017 For the cat name Angel She is a true Angel, I will always remember my beautiful tortoiseshell cat that I grew up with... Angel More about Angel
How the name Maronita came about 12.12.2017 For the cat name Maronita Maronita Around the time the I got Maronita, I started attending Mass at the Maronite Catholic Church. I grew to love St. Maron who organized the Maronite Catholics together. When I got the cat she... More about Maronita
Maine Coon 11.20.2017 For the cat name Sequoia I have a Maine coon she is about 16 weeks and this is the name we picked More about Sequoia
A Cat Named "U". 11.07.2017 For the cat name U simple and easy and gets funny. More about U
Unique! 08.29.2017 For the cat name Pericles (Pear-i-cleez) When I was a teenager my mother took in a cat named "Pericles" from a friend of hers who had to move to an apartment and couldn't keep him. Found out from her friend his unique name was Greek. He... More about Pericles (Pear-i-cleez)
Science Cat 07.29.2017 For the cat name Thesis My husband and I are very interested in science. My husband was working on his thesis paper for his PhD in astrophysics when we found a cute little tortoiseshell kitty. The name just fit her... More about Thesis
Bink- Hocus Pocus Cat 07.26.2017 For the cat name Bink Binx- The cat from Hocus Pocus- Thackery Binx More about Bink