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My husband found a beautiful

My husband found a beautiful 6 week old kitten living under a barn with her ferrel momma. We decided he would return the next day with a carrier in hand and bring momma and baby home. We planned to bring momma home and have her spayed leaving her to live outside which is where she was happy. The kitten was dressed to come home and make an appearance to all who would ooowa and ahhh over her precious little face and attire. We have given all of our cats and dogs complete names. For instance Pete and 17 pound big boy all cat not fat was found living under another barn about starved. I brought some milk to lure him out and he would cry while drinking and blew bubbles. My daughter would listen to him cry and would say "oh for Pete sake" Thus he became Petey as a kitten and now he is Pete, Petey Sake Rowell Our female is believed to have been scooped up by a hawk or crow intended for a meal and then accidently dropped into the woods nearby because no one anywhere even remotely near to us has or has seen any kittens. She was within days of starving to death literally. I called her an itty bitty,. Thus she is our Bitty or she answers to bits-n-pieces. Back to the Tuxedo baby. We named her Tuxedo with her classic white paws, belly, chest, and chin. We call her Tucks short for Tuxedo.

the tuxedo is the best

the tuxedo is the best

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