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Tin Tin

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Tin Tin is the name of my

Tin Tin is the name of my kitten. Tin Tin was found by a little boy named Tyler in the parking lot of an amusement park. He thought it was a dead fox. He and his family stopped and picked it up after realizing it was a barely live kitten. Tyler held the kitten which had an infected right eye, very dirty paws, and was malnourished. He held the kitten as though it was the most precious thing he had ever seen and had it wrapped in a bath towel, petting it and loving it and talking tenderly to it with beautiful words. His family tried with all they had to find a vet that would take it or someone in the area to care for it because they lived a great distance away and couldn't take it. As I was leaving the park I saw people standing around Tyler and Tin Tin and I asked what was going on. I watched Tyler, a boy maybe 10 years old. It wasn't the kitten that drew me in as much as it was Tyler and his great love and precious moments with the kitten. He seemed oblivious to the world around him as he held the kitten, but answered all my questions directly and deliberately, not taking his eyes or heart away from the kitten. I didn't think the kitten would live throughout the day as I said I would take it to a vet and keep it. In the next hour, Tin Tin was cared for my our local vet. Tyler told me Tin Tin was a girl and I told the vet the same. After a couple weeks or so returning to the vet. I was told that Tin Tin was a male.

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