We don't have any history, definition or meaning data for the cat name "Spitfire" yet! Please help out by adding what you know about "Spitfire" using the comment section below:
Submitted by Jake L. (not verified) on Tue, 2014-11-25 22:57.
Spitfire was a hangar cat at CAF Museum, Midland TX. As story is told, grey tabby kitten found his way on to museum grounds, in to display hangar and snuggled in the corner of B-29 bomb bay. Shortly after, aircraft went for a training flight, crew not knowing about little stowaway. When plane was pulled back in the building, among usual pings and hisses of old girl settling down after the mission there was strange, pitiful moan... Quick search discovered it's source - miserable ball of fur covered in his vomit. Poor guy got airsick and really "spit-fire". It was only fitting to name cat calling hangar full of WWII aircraft home after one of the greatest fighter aircraft in history. He grew to be magnificent tomcat who kept place free of vermin. There was no question, he "owned" the place. He is long gone now, his replacements named: Mosquito, Typhoon, Tempest ...
Museum names all hangar cats after British fighter planes.
But it all started with one remarkable cat named Spitfire.
Spitfire was a hangar cat at
Spitfire was a hangar cat at CAF Museum, Midland TX. As story is told, grey tabby kitten found his way on to museum grounds, in to display hangar and snuggled in the corner of B-29 bomb bay. Shortly after, aircraft went for a training flight, crew not knowing about little stowaway. When plane was pulled back in the building, among usual pings and hisses of old girl settling down after the mission there was strange, pitiful moan... Quick search discovered it's source - miserable ball of fur covered in his vomit. Poor guy got airsick and really "spit-fire". It was only fitting to name cat calling hangar full of WWII aircraft home after one of the greatest fighter aircraft in history. He grew to be magnificent tomcat who kept place free of vermin. There was no question, he "owned" the place. He is long gone now, his replacements named: Mosquito, Typhoon, Tempest ...
Museum names all hangar cats after British fighter planes.
But it all started with one remarkable cat named Spitfire.