We don't have any history, definition or meaning data for the cat name "Sooty" yet! Please help out by adding what you know about "Sooty" using the comment section below:
Submitted by Little Mia (not verified) on Tue, 2013-07-16 04:14.
I was given a 3yrs old Black Female Cat, who is very petite, so to find a name which describes her personality of gentle, affectionate, independent and her colour.
Mia is a feline name for a girl cat and
a black cat. so putting Little in front of the Mia really describes her very well. I will call her Mia when I am talking to her. But for everyone else including the Vet, who she likes, she will be called Little Mia.
I was given a 3yrs old Black
I was given a 3yrs old Black Female Cat, who is very petite, so to find a name which describes her personality of gentle, affectionate, independent and her colour.
Mia is a feline name for a girl cat and
a black cat. so putting Little in front of the Mia really describes her very well. I will call her Mia when I am talking to her. But for everyone else including the Vet, who she likes, she will be called Little Mia.
When I was a young boy I had
When I was a young boy I had a black cat. I called him Sooty for soot, the black residue from burning a fire. He was a very
cute cat.