We don't have any history, definition or meaning data for the cat name "Snicklefritz" yet! Please help out by adding what you know about "Snicklefritz" using the comment section below:
Submitted by wiley (not verified) on Mon, 2011-12-05 22:22.
Snicklefritz is a funny name. Schnickel is a funny (but real) name, and Fritz is a... name. Put them together and you have a Particularly Amusing Appellation. While there may very well be people named Snicklefritz, it is usually used as a joke name.
But it didn't start out that way; Snicklefritz was originally used in Pennsylvania Dutch Country, where Snicklefritz is an affectionate name for a mischievous or overly talkative child.
Snicklefritz has been used in this manner for generations, and the origin has been lost in the mists of time. It is apparently original to the Pennsylvania Dutch, with no direct German root. But these days it seeps into mainstream English in various (technically incorrect) contexts -- most often as a random silly name. Because so many people are called a Snicklefritz as a child, it is also a common nickname. Being rather cutesy, it is frequently used as a name for pets.
Snicklefritz is often written as 'Schnicklefritz'. There are, as you might expect, a large number of variations in the spelling of this word. Schnickelfritz was the name of a somewhat popular comedy band in the 1930s, which may be the origin of its comparative popularity. Even so, 'Snicklefritz' is overwhelmingly the most popular spelling.
Snicklefritz is a funny name.
Snicklefritz is a funny name. Schnickel is a funny (but real) name, and Fritz is a... name. Put them together and you have a Particularly Amusing Appellation. While there may very well be people named Snicklefritz, it is usually used as a joke name.
But it didn't start out that way; Snicklefritz was originally used in Pennsylvania Dutch Country, where Snicklefritz is an affectionate name for a mischievous or overly talkative child.
Snicklefritz has been used in this manner for generations, and the origin has been lost in the mists of time. It is apparently original to the Pennsylvania Dutch, with no direct German root. But these days it seeps into mainstream English in various (technically incorrect) contexts -- most often as a random silly name. Because so many people are called a Snicklefritz as a child, it is also a common nickname. Being rather cutesy, it is frequently used as a name for pets.
Snicklefritz is often written as 'Schnicklefritz'. There are, as you might expect, a large number of variations in the spelling of this word. Schnickelfritz was the name of a somewhat popular comedy band in the 1930s, which may be the origin of its comparative popularity. Even so, 'Snicklefritz' is overwhelmingly the most popular spelling.
Read more: http://wiki.answers.com/Q/What_is_the_origin_of_the_word_snicklefritz#ix...