We don't have any history, definition or meaning data for the cat name "Simon" yet! Please help out by adding what you know about "Simon" using the comment section below:
Submitted by Mommabear (not verified) on Thu, 2013-11-21 23:55.
Simon- he is stealth, strong n supercat. He is similar to a wild cat like a cougar or mountain lion with features also the same. He is a hunter, is beautiful and graceful in appearance and attitude. He watches over my two boys like a guardian but prefers to snub them when they want to play. He is huge, not fat but large and in charge.
Thats all I got. He is all ours- for life.
Simon- he is stealth, strong
Simon- he is stealth, strong n supercat. He is similar to a wild cat like a cougar or mountain lion with features also the same. He is a hunter, is beautiful and graceful in appearance and attitude. He watches over my two boys like a guardian but prefers to snub them when they want to play. He is huge, not fat but large and in charge.
Thats all I got. He is all ours- for life.