We don't have any history, definition or meaning data for the cat name "Samson" yet! Please help out by adding what you know about "Samson" using the comment section below:
Submitted by Ida (not verified) on Wed, 2012-10-24 15:14.
Samson is a name from the bible. Samson had great strength through his long hair. Delilah was a woman that Samson fell for and he cut his hair for. He was captured by Delilah.
I have a boy cat who was a stray that would come and sit at our sliding glass door and stare lovingly at our Maine Coon named Delilah. We decided to adopt him and named him Samson. :-)
Samson is a name from the
Samson is a name from the bible. Samson had great strength through his long hair. Delilah was a woman that Samson fell for and he cut his hair for. He was captured by Delilah.
I have a boy cat who was a stray that would come and sit at our sliding glass door and stare lovingly at our Maine Coon named Delilah. We decided to adopt him and named him Samson. :-)