We don't have any history, definition or meaning data for the cat name "Pickles" yet! Please help out by adding what you know about "Pickles" using the comment section below:
Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Thu, 2014-07-03 21:04.
Our Pickles is both sour and sweet. She is a tiger and currently about 8 years old. She ihas anxiety and nibbles her fur off. Her name simply came from realizing she had speckle markings on her tummy as a kitten. Pickles rolled off the tongue easier than Speckles. A few years later we noticed a cat was named pickles in a movie starring Tom Hanks. Don't recall the name but it's the one where is pretending to be a southern musician but is really stealing from a casino boat.
Submitted by Tony S (not verified) on Sun, 2011-02-06 14:30.
We found it odd when we received our beloved cat and found out her name was Pickles. After 4 years she is truly a pickle and we would not think of calling her anything else.
Our Pickles is both sour and
Our Pickles is both sour and sweet. She is a tiger and currently about 8 years old. She ihas anxiety and nibbles her fur off. Her name simply came from realizing she had speckle markings on her tummy as a kitten. Pickles rolled off the tongue easier than Speckles. A few years later we noticed a cat was named pickles in a movie starring Tom Hanks. Don't recall the name but it's the one where is pretending to be a southern musician but is really stealing from a casino boat.
Pickles, the fire cat, is a
Pickles, the fire cat, is a children's book about a cat that wasn't good or bad.
We love out Pickle. She is
We love out Pickle.
She is dark gray, has a serious attitude at times.
She loves to show affection to everyone and hog the heating vents during the cold winter.
Although she does not look like a pickle she is truly a pickle to our entire family.
We found it odd when we
We found it odd when we received our beloved cat and found out her name was Pickles. After 4 years she is truly a pickle and we would not think of calling her anything else.
We love our pickle!!!