We don't have any history, definition or meaning data for the cat name "Nanna" yet! Please help out by adding what you know about "Nanna" using the comment section below:
Submitted by Nanna (No kidding) (not verified) on Sat, 2013-05-11 13:12.
Nanna is a name from Scandinavia and it means "The Brave". It's said that the god Baldir fell in love with the beautiful mortal Nanna and took her as a wife, thus making her a demi-god. When Baldir was murderd she died of a broken heart (in some versions she threw herself on his funeral fire). It's said that she will be at Baldir's side after Ragnarok as his queen.
I have had my cat Nana for 3
I have had my cat Nana for 3 years now and she is the sweetest cat ever.
Nanna is a name from
Nanna is a name from Scandinavia and it means "The Brave". It's said that the god Baldir fell in love with the beautiful mortal Nanna and took her as a wife, thus making her a demi-god. When Baldir was murderd she died of a broken heart (in some versions she threw herself on his funeral fire). It's said that she will be at Baldir's side after Ragnarok as his queen.