We don't have any history, definition or meaning data for the cat name "Mary" yet! Please help out by adding what you know about "Mary" using the comment section below:
Submitted by Kat L (not verified) on Fri, 2011-03-25 13:18.
I initially fostered Mary, a gorgeous black lass, and her tabby brother Joseph, taking them in just before Christmas 2009, at the age of 5 months. We didn't know their previous names (they were removed from their previous owner) so it was suggested as a seasonally-appropriate name. Within 2 weeks she was responding to it so the name stuck! Joseph took slightly longer to respond to his name - mainly because it was usually used when he was doing something he knew he shouldn't be!
I initially fostered Mary, a
I initially fostered Mary, a gorgeous black lass, and her tabby brother Joseph, taking them in just before Christmas 2009, at the age of 5 months. We didn't know their previous names (they were removed from their previous owner) so it was suggested as a seasonally-appropriate name. Within 2 weeks she was responding to it so the name stuck! Joseph took slightly longer to respond to his name - mainly because it was usually used when he was doing something he knew he shouldn't be!