We don't have any history, definition or meaning data for the cat name "Maple" yet! Please help out by adding what you know about "Maple" using the comment section below:
Submitted by Maple's daddy (not verified) on Wed, 2011-02-16 13:40.
We were trying to figure out a name for our new Tortie and I of course wouldn't stop with the ridiculous suggestions. At one point I said we should name her former Toronto Maple Leaf Doug Gilmour. My girlfriend sighed, rolled her eyes, thought, and countered with Maple. We both liked it. Everyone I mention it to tells me how cute it is and it has definitely grown on me.
We were trying to figure out
We were trying to figure out a name for our new Tortie and I of course wouldn't stop with the ridiculous suggestions. At one point I said we should name her former Toronto Maple Leaf Doug Gilmour. My girlfriend sighed, rolled her eyes, thought, and countered with Maple. We both liked it. Everyone I mention it to tells me how cute it is and it has definitely grown on me.