We don't have any history, definition or meaning data for the cat name "Louis" yet! Please help out by adding what you know about "Louis" using the comment section below:
Submitted by Betty (not verified) on Fri, 2011-12-30 21:42.
Hi My Himm,name is Louis after the, LV, I own five Louie bags I love the bags, when I got him from that did not want him, my son and I when to get him, He is so loveble he loves to be love! I was trying to fine the right name for him, when a co-work she I sought call him Louie that would be the best name for him where I love my bags. So That how he got his name. and he is a Louie,He is a gift from God...
Hi My Himm,name is Louis
Hi My Himm,name is Louis after the, LV, I own five Louie bags I love the bags, when I got him from that did not want him, my son and I when to get him, He is so loveble he loves to be love! I was trying to fine the right name for him, when a co-work she I sought call him Louie that would be the best name for him where I love my bags. So That how he got his name. and he is a Louie,He is a gift from God...