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Its meaning is

Its meaning is Italian.Giuseppe Garibaldi is an Italian national hero,having fought in two wars.It is also a fish,which was named after Guiseppe Garibaldi,as it is a bright red-orange color.It is a native to the north eastern waters of the Pacific Ocean,living in areas of Monterey,California to Guadalupe Island,Baja California.The adult males are protective of their eggs.There is a Garibaldi biscuit,consisting of currants smashed between two oblong biscuits,making a current sandwich.It is a popular British snack consumed with tea or coffee,and has shared elements with Eccles cakes.In Mexico,a Garibaldi muffin is a vanilla sponge cake,covered in apricot preserves and decorated with white sprinkles.
Garibaldi was even a Mexican pop group,that was active from 1988 to 1994.There is a city in Oregon(USA) named Garibaldi,in Tillamook County.It was incorporated in 1946.Garibaldi is also an abandoned locality in British Columbia,with a provincial park and mountain range bearing its name.

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