We don't have any history, definition or meaning data for the cat name "Eidolon" yet! Please help out by adding what you know about "Eidolon" using the comment section below:
Submitted by Mellenie (not verified) on Tue, 2012-03-13 10:14.
1. an unsubstantial image; apparition; phantom
2. an ideal or idealized figure
The word "eidolon" stems from the Greek for the word "shape." According to the Theosophical University Press, it specifically has to do with phantoms taking the shape of humans.
The concept of an eidolon as a spirit represents a living being that has descended upon the astral plane. According to legend, it can appear to survivors after someone has become deceased.
Definition 1. an
1. an unsubstantial image; apparition; phantom
2. an ideal or idealized figure
The word "eidolon" stems from the Greek for the word "shape." According to the Theosophical University Press, it specifically has to do with phantoms taking the shape of humans.
The concept of an eidolon as a spirit represents a living being that has descended upon the astral plane. According to legend, it can appear to survivors after someone has become deceased.