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We don't have any history, definition or meaning data for the cat name "Echo" yet! Please help out by adding what you know about "Echo" using the comment section below:

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My "Echo" is a five week old

My "Echo" is a five week old kitten who has required two rescues in two days. As a result I'm considering a name change for her. Maybe "Ekat." Any suggestions?

Greek mythology. Beloved of

Greek mythology. Beloved of Oread. Narcissus. Look it up

I used to raise shelties. One

I used to raise shelties. One of my personal dogs was named Echo. Her mother was Shadow. She was a family dog & breeding dog. She was my shadow, Echo was an echo of her mother. The male was called Gentry. Gentleman Gentry. Big time bloodline. This is just how you should name a dog or a cat. I've waited for weeks to name one of my cats especially. To find out who they might turn out to be. They're name is very important. But the name Echo is possibly my favorite name except Gentry ever. I haven't used either since I lost them.

I think Echo would be a good

I think Echo would be a good name for a cat with extra toes :) kind of like repeating itself...with echo you hear the same word over and over...makes sense.

Echo could also mean a cat

Echo could also mean a cat that follows you around.

I work in the aviation

I work in the aviation industry so I make use of the phonetic alphabet on a daily basis. My wife and I had two litter mates which we named Delta and Zulu. They lived to 18 and 19. We were sans cats for around a year due to being heartbroken. A visit to our local humane society resulted in a single cat adopting us. We named her Echo. it's a phonetic alphabet letter, but she reminds us of a combination of Delta and Zulu. Echo has been with us over two years now :)

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