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Charlie Chaplin

We don't have any history, definition or meaning data for the cat name "Charlie Chaplin" yet! Please help out by adding what you know about "Charlie Chaplin" using the comment section below:

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I'd post a picture of my cat,

I'd post a picture of my cat, but he hates people taking his pictures. He's a multicolored tabby with purple eyes & I've named him Nytronise`

My boy charlie was named

My boy charlie was named after "Charlie Chaplin" due to the whiteness of his face and just a little black slate nose.

Thats my kitty's name :)

Thats my kitty's name :)

Correction: The Little

Correction: The Little Fellow's last name is spelled "Chaplin", not "Chaplan".

Hmmmmm........ Now that I

Hmmmmm........ Now that I think about it, it's SO cute!

I named my tuxedo cat Charlie

I named my tuxedo cat Charlie after Charlie Chaplan before I even saw this website or a list of cat names, simply because when I first saw him, Charlie Chaplan came to mind because of his small mustache and that all the Chaplan films I saw were in black and white. How acurately ironic!

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