We don't have any history, definition or meaning data for the cat name "Charlie Chaplin" yet! Please help out by adding what you know about "Charlie Chaplin" using the comment section below:
Submitted by cris (not verified) on Sat, 2011-08-06 00:18.
I named my tuxedo cat Charlie after Charlie Chaplan before I even saw this website or a list of cat names, simply because when I first saw him, Charlie Chaplan came to mind because of his small mustache and that all the Chaplan films I saw were in black and white. How acurately ironic!
I'd post a picture of my cat,
I'd post a picture of my cat, but he hates people taking his pictures. He's a multicolored tabby with purple eyes & I've named him Nytronise`
My boy charlie was named
My boy charlie was named after "Charlie Chaplin" due to the whiteness of his face and just a little black slate nose.
Thats my kitty's name :)
Thats my kitty's name :)
Correction: The Little
Correction: The Little Fellow's last name is spelled "Chaplin", not "Chaplan".
Hmmmmm........ Now that I
Hmmmmm........ Now that I think about it, it's SO cute!
I named my tuxedo cat Charlie
I named my tuxedo cat Charlie after Charlie Chaplan before I even saw this website or a list of cat names, simply because when I first saw him, Charlie Chaplan came to mind because of his small mustache and that all the Chaplan films I saw were in black and white. How acurately ironic!