We don't have any history, definition or meaning data for the cat name "Buffy" yet! Please help out by adding what you know about "Buffy" using the comment section below:
Submitted by Marion (not verified) on Tue, 2012-11-13 11:45.
Buffy was named by my mother, whose cat she originally was. She came to live with me when mom passed. As a kitten, her coat was a softer "buff" color. With age, it darkened to a rich marmalade. She is a plus-sized lady. We call her "Big, Beautiful Buffy."
Buffy was named by my mother,
Buffy was named by my mother, whose cat she originally was. She came to live with me when mom passed. As a kitten, her coat was a softer "buff" color. With age, it darkened to a rich marmalade. She is a plus-sized lady. We call her "Big, Beautiful Buffy."
Buffy as a cat name is
Buffy as a cat name is oviously from Buffy the Vampire Slayer.