We don't have any history, definition or meaning data for the cat name "Bandit" yet! Please help out by adding what you know about "Bandit" using the comment section below:
Submitted by Cynthia Cicirello (not verified) on Sat, 2014-01-04 14:58.
I was named "Bandit" by my mom about 4 days after I was rescued by her (Thank you soooo much mom!) and came to live here. Mom says it took her 4 days because she wanted to learn my personality so my name would fit me! Well....I guess I was a bit rambunctious and possibly "got into" 1 or 2 things in that 4 days because my name is "The Bandit"!!! Mom says I am prone to finding trouble and ending up right in the middle of it!! I think she is fibbing!!!!!! hehe
Submitted by Bandit (not verified) on Thu, 2011-05-05 10:30.
I was named Bandit because the people I live with liked the movie
Smokey & the Bandit......and I'm black like a Pontiac Trans Am
Also Bandits are known for getting into trouble...sometimes I go
by "El Bandito"
I was named "Bandit" by my
I was named "Bandit" by my mom about 4 days after I was rescued by her (Thank you soooo much mom!) and came to live here. Mom says it took her 4 days because she wanted to learn my personality so my name would fit me! Well....I guess I was a bit rambunctious and possibly "got into" 1 or 2 things in that 4 days because my name is "The Bandit"!!! Mom says I am prone to finding trouble and ending up right in the middle of it!! I think she is fibbing!!!!!! hehe
I was named Bandit because
I was named Bandit because the people I live with liked the movie
Smokey & the Bandit......and I'm black like a Pontiac Trans Am
Also Bandits are known for getting into trouble...sometimes I go
by "El Bandito"