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Long ago (in the mid 1980's)a

Long ago (in the mid 1980's)a young lady I was dating had a cat that died. She grieved deeply as this was a fantastic cat. I knew a lady where I worked that had a beautiful Persian cat (stray)that needed a good home. So, we ended up with a new cat. A beautiful cat with a coat of mostly cream color with few black areas and light blue eyes. The cat would run through the house across the back of sofas and chairs, across coffee tables and counters knocking lamps and other things off of the tables and counters. It would also attack people by biting the lower leg (frequently breaking skin)with all four limbs wrapped around your leg, the nails of all four paws dug into skin then take off running. I had no idea that Persians were once trained as attack cats. We found out quickly. Imagine walking to or from the bathroom at night and a cat attacks your lower leg then takes off running. (happened often, when we got up at night we grabbed a broom to ward off the attack cat. the cat attacked both day and night maybe 5-6 times a month) Rude awakening. We hadn't named this cat when we found out how agressive and active it could be. One day while hanging out at home we were considering names that would be appropriete for our new addition. Hurricane, tornado (and Dracula) were appropriate but sounded silly. The next thing in line that would do this little fellow justice was Twister. I'm not saying we were the first to name a cat Twister. That's rather doubtful. This is just our story.

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