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Upon getting a new furry companion, there are really very few items you need to get started with, but you will need a few things. Here are the 5 most important, and the good news is they don't have to cost a lot - as we explain.
1. A Cat Carrier
One of the first purchases anyone who has a new cat or kitten needs to make is a cat carrier. These are essential for safely carrying a cat anywhere, but especially to a veterinarian's office.
They range greatly in price; the least expensive and most easily obtained cat carrier is a closed cardboard carrier that nearly all vets sell. These and others are available at most pet stores, and the prices and amenities will vary depending upon how elaborate you want to get.
You can get cat carriers that have different shoulder straps for ease of carrying and different kinds of screened "windows," as well as soft materials for the sides and bottom.
If you decide upon a no-frills carrier, which will surely do the job, just remember to put a soft towel or blanket on the bottom for your pet's comfort. This also reduces any sliding inside, which can be upsetting.
Loading Tip: If you've never used a carrier before, and you do not have one that opens from the top - which are much easier to load a cat into - try to place your cat or kitten into the carrier tail-end first. They can't open their front legs and fight you every inch of the way in a reversed position.
2. Litter Box and Cat Litter
Cats are super clean about their elimination, and they learn from their mom how to use litter boxes at an early age - about four weeks, so there's usually no training required. The kind of litter you use is up to you, but it may be best to avoid clay litters.
If a cat eats this type of litter, it can have an obstruction that could be life threatening. Also, clay litter causes a great deal of dust, and it isn't good for cats or humans to inhale it.
There are different kinds of covered boxes on the market, so if you don't have a place that's out of sight, these can be a great alternative to the open litter boxes. Also keep in mind that cats like privacy too, just like the rest of us.
A box should be cleaned at least once a day, oftener if possible, to be sure your feline continues to use it.
3. A Cat Bed
This can be anything large enough for your cat or kitten to stretch in, as well curl up for a nap. A cardboard box with towels or a blanket is certainly fine with a cat, although there are lots of more luxurious types on the market.
4. A Scratching Post
These, too, can be really simple to very elaborate. You can easily make one by centering a post on a solid, square piece of wood and covering it with a carpet remnant. You can also get anything from a simple sisal post to a really elaborate, ceiling-high post that looks like a tree, with shelves and hiding places at different heights.
Whatever you choose, it will be good for your cat, because scratching is good exercise and, even more importantly, helps remove loose sheaths as their claws grow out.
5. Food And Water Bowls
Cats need clean bowls of water, although they may not drink a lot at any one time. And they need clean bowls for their daily meals. Cats have more delicate digestive systems than dogs, so cleanliness is extremely important.
If you have these five items for your new cat or kitten you definitely have the basics you need to get your new life together off to a good start, or on the right paw, so to speak.